(Kansas City, MO) – United® Real Estate, a fast-growing real estate and franchise organization, is pleased to address the advancement of contacts between United Country and United Real Estate. Turning leads into business across companies and around the world is now a reality. United invites all agents to take advantage of the opportunity to grow their personal income with the United Referral Network. The outbound referral process is an underserved market and a business that is considerably more than clients just moving out of town. There are multiple scenarios in which this new portal can be utilized.
With the United Referral Network, brokers and agents gain access to leads and clients across the country. When leads are not a good match for you, such as clients moving out of the area, or a specialty property presents itself, the referral network is the next step. First, submit the referral and signed online agreement. Then, hands off! The United Referral Network experts make a match with another agent and manage the entire process. Finally, the referrer will collect a competitive commission at closing.
“The new referral portal is now available and I encourage all United agents to continue growing their business by referring leads,” said Peter Giese, President, United Real Estate. “With the agent providing the leads and receiving a percentage of the referred-side commission, the referral network is simple and worthwhile. Never before has there been an easy linkage from one company to another. United is continuously looking for innovative ways to make brokers and agents more successful –– the referral program is brilliant and will grow the company’s fortunes and support expansion.”
Creation of the referral program and portal started from the opportunity of intercompany networking that acted as a linkage for agents across the board. In today’s competitive market the referral program allows agents from around the country and across different companies to provide leads better suited for another agent’s specialty, and in return receive commission for the effort.
“The United referral network will make an impact by increasing the interaction and the volume of transactions across United Country Real Estate, United Real Estate and third party companies,” said Ashley Appino, Vice President, Program Services and Partner Development. “This program further expands the value we provide to our offices and will generate real income for our agents. We are excited to facilitate the referral process and continue to bring new opportunities for our offices and agents to continue to grow their business.”
To learn more about United Real Estate visit UnitedRealEstate.com. To learn more about the United Referral Network or to refer a lead, visit ReferUnited.com.
A Closer Look at United Real Estate
United Real Estate – a division of the United Real Estate Group – was founded with the purpose of offering solutions to the challenges facing agents in the residential real estate brokerage industry. Providing the latest training, marketing and technology tools to both agents and brokers under a 100-percent commission strategy, United Real Estate makes it more profitable for an agent to sell real estate and for real estate brokers to leverage a complete system to better grow a successful, thriving real estate brokerage. Named as a “frontrunner” in the real estate industry in the 2013 Swanepoel TRENDS Report, United Real Estate has more than 30 offices and over 2,200 agents. Through a worldwide franchise solution, United continues to rapidly expand. Driven by an unwavering commitment to giving back, a pillar of United’s core values and guiding principles, United Real Estate is proud to support and partner with Autism Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, as United’s charity of choice.
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